Rebecca Oelkers
Chief Executive Officer
BHC Creating Liveable Communities
Rebecca Oelkers is BHC’s Chief Executive Officer. Rebecca has worked in the affordable housing sector for over two decades, including 15 years in executive roles within BHC. She leads a growing team of 80 staff who have delivered more than 2,000 homes across 45 developments since 2002. Most recently Rebecca led BHC’s involvement in the Queensland Government’s Housing Investment Fund, securing partnerships with institutional investors to grow the supply of social and affordable housing by up to 1,200 homes in Queensland. Rebecca is committed to providing safe, secure and affordable homes, with BHC delivering services, beyond housing provision, to empower residents to reach towards their goals. Rebecca is the Deputy Chair of CHIA and a Board Member of UDIA Queensland. She has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Arts, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and recipient of the 2018 UDIA Women in Leadership Award.
Day 2
Panel: Hopes and Aspirations for the Sector in 10 Years
Chris Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation Housing
Maree McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Homes North Community Housing
Liz Thomas, Managing Director, Common Equity Housing Limited (CEHL)
Rebecca Oelkers, Chief Executive Officer, BHC Creating Liveable Communities